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Abdellah Mesri's blog
18 février 2011

Poem 2

Poem 2
Through western eyes Invisible women, invisible work Bearded, sun-reddened skin, The aid worker welcomed us With apologetic grin, As he said:" I'm afraid there's nobody here today," In the compounds, the women Were pounding grain, Spreading the coffee...
18 février 2011


poem These are some short poems speak about the tree and our earth: I think that I shall never see A poem as lovely as a tree. A tree that in the summer wears A nest of robins in its hair I think that I shall never see A billboard as lovely as a tree....
Abdellah Mesri's blog
  • Hello, I am Abdellah Mesri and 17 years old. I am an ACCESS PROGRAM and I study at Mly Ali Echerif high school , in Rich city. This blog is one of my ways to share with you all what concern me, my life, my eperiences... I hope you admire my blog.
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